According the the American Psychological Assocation, group therapy is often more effective than individual work due to reduction in stigma and increased sense of community. Check out some of our current groups and reach out to learn more!
Contextually-based DBT Skills Acquisition Group
This DBT Skills group focuses on teaching the basics of the four DBT Modules of skills (Interpersonal Effectiveness, Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, and Emotional Regulation). These groups will equip you with the knowledge of various coping strategies to more effectively navigate difficult situations and struggles. It’s our most popular group!
Acceptance-based DBT Skills Support Group
This DBT Skills group is designed to build upon the Skills Acquisition Group. In this group, you can enhance your use of DBT Skills to address difficult situations and challenging struggles. You will receive support from your peers in the group and offer others support and your ideas/experiences in utilizing the skills.
**Participation in this group requires a basic understanding of DBT Skills.
Trauma’s Impact and Pivot Points
This group is designed to identify the various ways in which past trauma impacts you in the present moment. We will discuss how topics, such as Victim Blaming, Self-Image, and Avoidance impact you and ways to effectively navigate them moving forward.
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
CPT will help you identify how past trauma has impacted your thinking and then begin to assess whether your thinking fits the current situation or is more a product of the past showing up in the present. This group will foster a new way to relate to your mind, allowing you access to more choices in response to what your mind has to say about the current situation.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
ACT is designed to increase awareness of how we struggle with our thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations in an effort to fix them or make them go away. We will discuss the workability of these strategies (i.e. are they helping you move towards the meaningful life you want) and alternative approaches if your current strategies aren’t working.
Nightmare Protocol
Trauma-related nightmares frequently interrupt sleep. Nightmares can wake you in the middle of the night, create anxiety about going to sleep and having a nightmare, and leave you feeling less rested upon waking. This group will follow CBT for PTSD nightmares, which has been shown to help decrease the frequency and intensity of nightmares, thereby increasing restful sleep.
The Relationships Group will focus on identifying the impact that painful experiences have had on relationships. We will look at how your ways of coping with pain impact your experience of relationships presently and start building alternative strategies in navigating pain, to cultivate the relationships you want.
**If there is a group here that you are interested in, please contact us and let us know. When enough interest is expressed in a group, we will start a new cohort/rotation.**