

Welcome to where all the audio recordings of guided mindfulness practices from our group can be accessed.

Guided Meditation (6 minutes) engaging in the practice of dropping into the internal experiences in a present moment and using soothing touch as a tool to help be with what is arising. This meditation explores the pillars of Beginner's Mind and Acceptance.

Guided Meditation (7 minutes) using breath as an anchor. This meditation explores the self-compassion practice of intentionally opening and closing. This is a practice in being with a heart that is open to the present moment and a heart that is closed when an open heart feels too much emotion. With this practice, we cultivate the ability to work with our heart space and be responsive to the emotions that arise.

Guided Meditation (8 minutes) using intention setting to engage in the practice of applying the three components of a self compassion break. - mindfulness, common humanity, and kindness. This practice shifts our relationship to our pain to that of a more loving, connected presence.

Guided Meditation (11 minutes) in exploring the three components of self-compassion to cultivate an encouraging, wise, discerning presence.

Guided Meditation (8 minutes) in exploring the three components of self-compassion to cultivate a fierce, empowered, clear presence.


Guided Meditation (8 minutes) in exploring the three components of self-compassion to cultivate a fulfilled, balanced, authentic presence.

Guided Meditation (7 minutes) engaging in the practice of tuning in to your body—to reconnect to your physical self—and notice any sensations you're feeling without judgement. While many people find the body scan relaxing, relaxation is not the primary goal.

Guided Meditation (8 minutes) in exploring the self-compassion practice of Recognize, Allow, Investigate and Nurture.